Good morning world!
I am not heading to just share all my successful painting with you, so here`s soemthing that went wrong. *sigh* There are always things which doesn`t look like you ve imagined first. I guess everyone knows this kind of problem. First we`re trying to correct little mistakes, but what are u doing if it`s totally different to what you was aiming for? Right, you ll add a new basecoat and start over again! That`s what I ve done recently, and even the 2nd try misslucked somehow. But I ll try to correct it to not add a 3rd basecoat. I m afraid of losing details.
Mixed together a basecoat for my 1st ogryn chaos beast. As you can see on the following picture it s a very bright purple. I was wondering. Just mixed some VMC Scarlet red with VMC Ghost grey. I thought it gives me a lightly warm, bright grey. But... pruple? Anyway, used this mixture to see what ui can get out of it. Here`s the result:
Brushes of the Underworlds: Final Check
2 weeks ago